Oct 26, 2023Liked by Brian Chambers

I love how the "Yes" not only changes the life of the person saying "Yes", but it also positively impacts the people receiving the "Yes". And for every 1 "yes", the impact of it can impact 1-1000's of people each time. I know this is true because I've seen your "Yes" lead to talks or stages that impacts countless people.

I know that for every "Yes", there has got to be at least 100 "No's", but even 1 extra "Yes" a week will present 52 opportunities to create an impact that otherwise would have stayed dormant, as well as 52 opportunities for 1-1000s of people each time to be impacted.

What a great read on the power of Yes. Especially from someone who I often go "How in the world does this man have the time to say Yes to that". Part of the reason why I jumped on the Principles book you recommended, and why I follow along for insights. When our house is in order, we can say Yes more, and make a impact beyond our own four walls.

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