Happy Friday, everyone! This is not your regularly scheduled Chamber of Tech Secrets. Its a special edition to officially introduce and launch the Chamber 🏰 of Tech Secrets Book 📚 Club! 🚀🚀 👏👏
This is a crazy idea I had and the people said “yes”, so let’s give it a try and see how it goes! We have 5 participants already (from a previous Chamber of Tech Secrets mention), so come join the party. 🎉
For those that aren’t interested in participating, fear not. We’ll take all book club discussions offline from here on out, so no need to unsubscribe! 🤣
How it works
For those that are still reading, here’s how its going to work…
Participation is completely free 🆓 (other than purchasing the book).
Vote for a book 🗳️. The results of the poll below are binding. Please only vote if you plan to participate.
Get the book 📚 — you’ll know which one this weekend.
Registration is open. 📬 Sign up by filling out this brief google form.
Registration will close 📫 May 5th at midnight PDT.
Read the book and take notes. 🤓
Attend the Virtual Meeting 👨💻: Tentatively targeting week of June 19th. Date / time to be confirmed via survey once the group is “closed” to maximize for availability. I recognize June is a frequent vacation time and we have multiple timezones to coordinate across, so we’ll work that out.
What book will we read?
I tried to cover a few different types of topics that would be broadly applicable.
Scaling Up - building successful organizations
How Innovation Works - innovation
Team Topologies - building successful organizations
The 100 Page Machine Learning Book - the technical route, learn more about ML which is all the rage right now
Outlive - the wild card that has nothing to do with tech, but that I plan to read anyway

Rules of Engagement
To have a great discussion that is mutually beneficial we’ll play by the following rules:
I will moderate.
We’ll commit to reading the book.
We’ll commit to sharing our views (but mostly listening is okay too).
We’ll ask questions about things we don’t understand because we’re here to learn.
We’ll make some new friends.
We’re here to learn, not persuade.
We’ll follow Chatham House Rules: Individual / company anonymity will be protected but free use of ideas discussed.
Anyone is welcome.
No selling. ;)
Have a great weekend!